If you want to contribute to Xubuntu or need to discuss Xubuntu development, see the Get Involved section for a quick run-through on the different methods you can be in touch with the team and start contributing.
The current list of teams and their respective leaders can be found in the Contact page in the Xubuntu wiki. To see the list of all people contributing to those teams, you can follow the links to Launchpad on the wiki page.
User Support
You can find user support under the Help & Support section.
Other Inquiries
For press, research and other inquiries, contact us via the Xubuntu-contacts mailing list and we will get back to you as soon as possible. The list is moderated and has a private archive.
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Social Media


Xubuntu Users

Want to help us with maintaining our social media outlets or make a group in another site official?
Contact us and we will gladly tell more!