Everyone can participate in the Xubuntu community on many levels, from simply giving advice to fellow Xubuntu users to becoming a maintainer of core packages. Any contribution, even the smallest, is valued. We welcome everybody to improve Xubuntu and spread Free Software!
Move on to the Developer Area to find more information on how to get to know the community and start working with tasks – or jump straight in to our development IRC channel (#xubuntu-devel on the Libera Chat IRC network; irc.libera.chat) or telegram group (@XubuntuDevelopment on telegram). Alternatively, keep on reading below to see what kind of tasks you might be interested in.
Developer Area Developer IRC channel Development Telegram channel
Contribute to Xubuntu
Contributions can range from something as simple as a typo fix in our documentation or testing our daily development ISO’s to the more intensive tasks such as maintaining or producing code for Xubuntu.
Xubuntu development is split into several subteams, which manage different parts of the project. Find out the different tasks you can help with under the subteam pages listed below:
- Artwork
- Development, including programming and packaging
- Documentation and Translation
- Marketing and Website
- Quality Assurance, including testing and bug triaging
Once you get started with contributing, you’ll want to create an account at Launchpad. This allows you to log in to various developer websites and services including Launchpad, where you can work with bugs, blueprints and much more.
Activities for everybody
Even if you can’t contribute to the tasks mentioned above, you can still help Xubuntu by doing one of the following things.
If you are familiar with Xubuntu, you can help others as they run into problems or questions by giving them support at one of our support outlets.
If you attend events like conferences, Linux user groups or Ubuntu Local community team meetings, you can talk about and promote Xubuntu to other people in the events. See the Products page for useful marketing material and the Resources & Assets page for use with your own marketing material.
Finally, feel free to join and/or follow our social media accounts as well as the Xubuntu users group at Launchpad.