The Xubuntu team is proud to announce the Alpha2 release of Xubuntu 12.04, Precise Pangolin!
Updates for this release include
- New greeter + theme
- xfdesktop4 has been updated to support single click to open items, thumbnail support for the desktop.
- xfce4-settings has been updated to include the new mouche/touchpad dialog (backported from 4.9.x)
- Some other syncs, updates and patches from Debian and upstream, including: xfce4-power-manager, Ristretto and gmusicbrowser
- Minor updates to default settings and packages, mostly appearance (including Terminal font size change)
Visit the download page to give it a try. Be sure to report your testing results to help the Xubuntu developers – see the ISO testing tracker. Bugs can be reported in Launchpad. If you are looking for support, please see the #ubuntu+1 or #xubuntu IRC channels on Before testing this release, make sure to review the release notes.
Known issues
- For the desktop images, installing from the CD menu is failing, however, allowing the CD to spin until it stops at “try Xubuntu”, “Install Xubuntu” works
- Xubuntu upgrade testing is not done for Alpha2