Xubuntu 16.04 LTS Beta 2

The Xubuntu team is pleased to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 16.04 LTS Beta 2. This is the final beta towards the final release in April.

Any new updates to packages should be bug fixes only, the Xubuntu team is committed to fixing as many of the bugs as possible before the final release.

Please note! Minimal upgrade testing was undertaken during this milestone. There are issues currently when upgrading to Xenial Xerus. This release is not recommended for upgrading. More information can be found from the release notes.


The Beta 2 release is available for download by torrents and direct downloads from

Changes for 16.04

  • Xubuntu 16.04 will not have a default media manager installed; this is reflected in the Beta 2 image.

Known Issues and Changelogs

Some issues during testing of image were found, in addition some bugs related to Xubuntu have been noted during the development cycle. Full detail of all of these (including information about upgrading) along with changelogs for applications and packages in Xubuntu can be found in the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/Beta2/Xubuntu.