The Xubuntu team is glad to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 12.10, codenamed Quantal Quetzal! Xubuntu 12.10 will be supported for 18 months.
For support with the release, navigate to Help & Support for a full listing of methods to get help.
To see the complete release notes along with list of updates and issues in common infrastructure and more, please refer to the Xubuntu release notes at the Ubuntu wiki.
New features
- Xfce 4.10
- Completely rewritten offline documentation
- In the application menu, all settings-related launchers are now grouped under the Settings Manager
- Updated artwork, including new wallpaper, documentation looks and updates to LightDM, Greybird and Ubiquity slideshow
- New versions of Catfish and Parole
Notable bug fixes
- No more window traces or “black on black” in installer
Known issues
- The messaging indicator is not available for 12.10
- Duplicated partitions might be shown at Thunar sidebar and the desktop
Other mentions
Alternate images are not available for 12.10. LVM, cryptsetup and manual partitioning options previously available with alternate only are now available with the desktop image. Those who need the RAID installation option should wait until future releases, as it will be added to the list as soon as possible.
In addition to all the updates and changes mentioned above, the Xubuntu team has worked hard on community and marketing tasks. The Xubuntu website content has been updated thoroughly and Xubuntu now has several social media outlets. In addition, work has been done to be able to provide our users merchandise in the near future.