My media manager: The cloud

Xubuntu 16.04 LTS will be the first Xubuntu release without a default media manager. To help those without a favorite one, we’ve put up this series where some of the Xubuntu team members talk about their favorite media managers. Later in the series we discuss some cloud services and other media manager options in the Ubuntu repositories. Enjoy!

In addition to the more traditional media managers which manage local collections, more and more people use cloud based streaming services. In this article, we talk about the cloud services and players used by the Xubuntu team.

Google Play Music

Google Play Music is available widely in the world, coverage areas including most of the Americas, Europe, Australia and more. You can use Google Play Music for free, but paid subscription options are available. Their song catalogue covers 35 million songs.

David: I mainly listen to music locally, CDs and vinyls. At work I usually use Google Play Music. Apart from their huge catalogue, there’s also the possibility of uploading up to 50000 songs, using the Google Play Music Manager API.

Elizabeth: I also listen to a lot of music locally, typically MP3s I’ve bought or created from CDs. However, I also have a monthly subscription to Google Play Music for the latest music I don’t feel compelled to buy directly. I’m using the web-based player in Google Chrome on Xubuntu, but it also seamlessly integrates with all my Android devices (including my watch!) via the Android apps.


Pandora is available in Australia, New Zealand and the United States only. Their song catalogue is between one and two million songs.

The easiest way to use Pandora on Xubuntu is the web interface at For those seeking tighter or geekier (read: more fun) integration with the desktop, there are unofficial GTK+ and terminal clients available. The GTK+ client, Pithos, includes sound indicator and notification support. The terminal client, pianobar, allows station management and playback, as well as keybinding support. Both clients are available in the Ubuntu repositories.

Sean: I stream all of my music. I have a small music library from when I was younger, but became bored with my own lack of variety. While I occasionally use Spotify, I almost always stream Pandora, switching between the web interface, Android application, and the Pithos GTK+ client. If I’ve got music playing, it’s coming from one of my 50+ Pandora stations.


Spotify is available widely in the world, coverage areas including most of the Americas, Europe and Australia. You can use Spotify for free, but paid subscription options are available. Their song catalogue covers about 30 million songs.

Currently, the easiest way to use Spotify on Xubuntu is the web interface at Playing and browsing works well with the web interface, but if you want desktop integration (sound indicator and notifications), you will have to install the desktop client. The desktop client isn’t available from the Ubuntu repositories directly, but Spotify offers their own repository and instructions on setting the desktop app up at the Spotify website. Please note: The desktop client is unsupported by Spotify. Since it’s closed source, it is also unsupported by the Xubuntu team. That said, our experience says it works well for most of the people and is totally worth trying if you want to use Spotify with desktop integration.

Pasi: While I mostly listen to music locally, I occasionally use Spotify to listen to new music that I want to try before I buy. For this purpose the web interface is more than good enough – the collection is also large enough to find most of the things I’m looking for.

The small details: Personal information integration

In this series the Xubuntu team present some of the smaller details in Xubuntu to help you use your system more efficiently. Several of the features covered in this series are new for those who will be upgrading from 14.04 LTS to 16.04 LTS. We will also cover some features that have been in Xubuntu for longer, for those that are completely new to the operating system.

We have talked about customizing in this series before, but now we take a look at another aspect of it; personal information and its integration.

The Xubuntu team has created an application called Mugshot to manage your personal data. With Mugshot, you can change your personal information, including your user image, name and initials and it will take care of integrating the information in supporting applications like the login screen, LibreOffice Writer and Calc, Pidgin.

Adding your personal information

To run Mugshot, go to Settings Manager → About Me. To add your personal information, simply fill in the form.

The first installed user and any added admin users will be able to change any field. Normal users can change their image and most of the fields, this type of user will not be able to change phone numbers.

To add a user image, click on the placeholder image on the left side of the dialog and select your preferred user image. If you have a webcam connected, you can use it to take a photo of yourself to use.

Finally, click Apply and you are done!

The small details: Text editor and terminal color schemes

In this series the Xubuntu team present some of the smaller details in Xubuntu to help you use your system more efficiently. Several of the features covered in this series are new for those who will be upgrading from 14.04 LTS to 16.04 LTS. We will also cover some features that have been in Xubuntu for longer, for those that are completely new to the operating system.

Customization is one of the strengths of Xubuntu and Xfce alike. Along with the customization options and sensible default settings, the Xubuntu team is committed to shipping some alternatives where appropriate.

Today we take a look at two color schemes Xubuntu provides for the Mousepad text editor and the Xfce4 terminal emulator: Xubuntu Light and Xubuntu Dark. As the names imply, these are themes with light and dark backgrounds. The rest of the color schemes are designed to visually integrate with each other – and with the rest of the operating system.

Changing the color schemes

To change the color scheme in Mousepad, go to Edit → Preferences, and from the View tab, select your preferred Colour scheme.

To change the color scheme in the Xfce4 terminal emulator, go to Edit → Preferences, and in the Colors tab, use the Load Presets… dropdown to select your preferred color scheme.

The small details: Window manager shortcuts

In this series the Xubuntu team present some of the smaller details in Xubuntu to help you use your system more efficiently. Several of the features covered in this series are new for those who will be upgrading from 14.04 LTS to 16.04 LTS. We will also cover some features that have been in Xubuntu for longer, for those that are completely new to the operating system.

Last time we talked about the default, application shortcut keys in Xubuntu. In addition to the application shortcut keys, you can specify shortcuts for window manager actions and a special key to grab and move windows more quickly. Let’s take a look how to do that!

Window manager shortcuts

The window manager shortcuts let you perform all kinds of actions for windows, including cycling windows, resizing them and showing the desktop. Some of the most useful are listed below:

  • Alt+Tab for cycling and changing windows (Shift+Alt+Tab for cycling backwards)
  • Super+Tab for cycling windows for the same application
  • Alt+F5 for maximizing windows horizontally
  • Alt+F6 for maximizing windows vertically
  • Alt+F7 for maximizing windows (both vertically and horizontally)
  • Alt+Space for the window operations menu

You can find and edit all window manager shortcut keys from Menu Settings Manager Window Manager → tab Keyboard.

The grab and move key

Xfce uses a special key that helps you grab and move windows. By default, this key is Alt.

When you press the key and drag the window with the left mouse button, you can move the window. When you press the key and drag the window from a corner with the right mouse button, you can resize the window.

To change the grab and move key, go to Menu → Settings Manager → Window Manager Tweaks → tab Accessibility and change the Key used to grab and move windows setting.

My media manager: gmusicbrowser

Xubuntu 16.04 LTS will be the first Xubuntu release without a default media manager. To help those without a favorite one, we’ve put up this series where some of the Xubuntu team members talk about their favorite media managers. Later in the series we discuss some cloud services and other media manager options in the Ubuntu repositories. Enjoy!

This time we’re covering the latest (and for now, the last) default media manager in Xubuntu – gmusicbrowser. In addition to using gmusicbrowser, both of the interviewees have been working with gmusicbrowser – and were the ones that convinced others to include it as the default media manager in Xubuntu in the first place. Let’s see what they have to say!

How do you listen to music?

Pasi: My collection is relatively large (6k+ tracks), considering I own most of the albums physically. I like my music to be organized well and with lots of metadata so I can quickly search and browse the collection and get to listen to what I want.

Simon: I’ve been using gmusicbrowser for listening to and – almost more importantly – organizing my music for several years. Even though I’ve recently been drifting towards mobile usage it is still my go-to solution on laptops and desktops.

Why is gmusicbrowser the best choice for you?

Simon: I was long looking for a solid, Gtk+ based music collection organizer which would work reasonably well on old hardware when I found gmusicbrowser. It was part of my entry into the Open Source world, so I’m also emotionally attached to it.

What attracted me in the first place was the performance (yeah, I know, it’s Perl! ;)) and the easy way of customizing the User Interface using its unique UI scripting language.

Pasi: The best thing in gmusicbrowser is the customizability; both for the look and feel but also for the potential it has to organize your music in a dozen ways. As I mentioned before, I like lots of metadata. My music isn’t only organized by artist, album, year (and other generic fields), but also by country of origin, language of the vocals, original artist, media format (CD, CDEP, CD single, 7″ vinyl…) and more. The reason why this is particularly accessible is that you can search from the tags with Google-like syntax in gmusicbrowser; for example, “year:2015” shows me all of the tracks from the year 2015, and “vocals:instr” shows me all the instrumental tracks in my collection (and “year:2015 vocals:instr” all the instrumental tracks from 2015…)!

Another thing I prefer in apps generally is that they keep on the background when I’m not dealing with them. The Shimmer layout for gmusicbrowser does exactly this: it loses many of the unnecessary buttons, making the user interface clean, but isn’t dumbed down; there’s still plenty of things available within a few clicks when I do need to access those features.

Have you customized gmusicbrowser?

Simon: Naturally! I’ve worked on creating the layout (“Shimmer Desktop”) which went on to become the default in Xubuntu – a story which went on for several years in fact. Plus I developed a plugin for gmusicbrowser (“Similar Artists”) using the API of to create potentially endless automatic playlists based on “similar artist” matches.

Pasi: Yes, a lot. In addition to co-working on the Shimmer layout mentioned by Simon, the extra tags I mentioned before are created with the custom field UI in gmusicbrowser. I have also tweaked the main view to show more of the metadata when browsing through the collection. This saves me time because I don’t have to access another view – or the physical album.

Have you used other media managers in the past?

Pasi: During the time I’ve been using Linux exclusively, the two other media managers I’ve used for a longer time are Amarok and Listen.

In 2006 when I converted to Linux, I started using Amarok and got involved with their marketing team “Rokymotion” – my work with the team included working on artwork and more, including one splash screen for a release. I was (and am) convinced that the 1.4 series of Amarok was the best media manager of its time; when work on 2.0 began, I drifted away since the new UI with all the bling wasn’t my cup of tea.

One thing I actually still miss from Amarok is the “random albums” mode, where skipping a track would always skip to the first track of another random album. This album would then be played until all of the tracks were played from that album, or the user skipped a track once again.

While Amarok was a full-fledged media manager, Listen was something from the lighter end of the bunch. I even used the compact UI with only the basic playback buttons and a simple list of all the tracks (at that time, likely 4–5 thousand). I liked how it definitely help me focus on the music, nothing else. However, I do consider that Listen was as an intermediary manager – a kind of compromise – until I found the next complete media manager I wanted to use. Unfortunately, it seems like the project hasn’t been active for several years now, so it likely isn’t something to look for.

Simon: I have. I started with xine and later Parole, then several Winamp-style players, but always missed the “collection management” part that gmusicbrowser does so well.

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

Pasi: As with all application groups and the operating systems, it’s important to remember that objectively speaking, there is no “best” option. This is why I can only recommend that you try gmusicbrowser, not promise you will love it! Finally, remember that all applications have their quirks (and bugs!) – gmusicbrowser too. Once you get over the initial hurdles, you will notice that there is a powerful, customizable media manager behind the potentially confusing first look.

Simon: I would say gmusicbrowser is a player for (almost) anyone. While it seems to have a bit of a learning curve for the occasional user – and I would argue that the complexity implied by “collection management” is responsible for that – it has immense potential for the afficionado!

Finally, feel free to talk about your favorite artists!

Simon: I can’t say that I have a favorite artist. Probably I could list one per genre, but then again, what or where are genre borders really? Recently I have to developed some affection for some of Chilly Gonzales’ musical (ad)ventures, but as everything this may be a transient phenomenon.

Pasi: I seem to have a soft spot for some britpop; Athlete, Starsailor and Thirteen Senses are three of my favorite artists! Generally speaking I do listen to pretty much everything and anything – at least once.

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