No Quantal Beta 1 for Xubuntu

You may have noticed in the release announcement for Beta 1 today from Kate Stewart this line:

“With Ubuntu 12.10, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Lubuntu, and Ubuntu Studio also reached Beta 1 status today. These images, along with Xubuntu will continue to have daily updates for the remainder of the release.”

You read right, Xubuntu didn’t release a Beta 1 this time around but we are continuing to work on our daily builds.

Currently we’re working to get the image to fit on a single CD, fix up some visual regressions and there are a few outstanding bugs that we really want to tackle. We putting all our effort into getting this all completed so we can have have a great Beta 2 release!

If you download one of the daily images, you will notice new features, including:

  • Updated artwork, including new wallpaper, documentation looks and updates to LightDM, Greybird and Ubiquity slideshow
  • New versions of Catfish and Parole.

For more details, visit the Quantal Quetzal Beta 1 Technical Overview and browse to the Xubuntu sections.

LTS upgrade time!

Xubuntu 12.04.1 has been released today along with the rest of the Ubuntu flavors. This means everybody on 10.04 are able to upgrade to 12.04.1 at their convenience. Users on 10.04 should get an upgrade notification when booting their systems up the next time.

Users using Xubuntu 12.04 will be upgraded to 12.04.1 automatically along with normal upgrades.

Xubuntu 12.10 alpha 3 released

The Xubuntu team is proud to announce the Alpha3 release of Xubuntu 12.10, Quantal Quetzal!

We don’t have any major changes from the Alpha2, but there are a few known issues you should be aware of:

  • There are no alternate images for this release
  • The image is still oversized for 700M CDs (see related bugs: 1028486, 1029552), please use a USB stick, DVD or other method for installing these oversized images
  • All applications using Gtk3 currently have some mismatched colors in menus and buttons because of a bug in the Unico engine (1016713). A fix has been applied upstream but has not yet made it to Xubuntu.
  • The installer locks when attempting to do the “Install Xubuntu 12.10 alongside…” auto-resize (1027461), manual method for editing partitions and resizing works

Visit the download page to give it a try. Be sure to report your testing results to help the Xubuntu developers – see the ISO testing tracker. Bugs can be reported in Launchpad. If you are looking for support, please see the #ubuntu+1 IRC channel on Before testing this release, make sure to review the release notes.

Thank you Xubuntu social media admins

In the past year the Xubuntu project has gone from zero to four social media outlets for sharing our project updates, news and discussions. All of these resources are linked at the bottom of every page on

The most exceptional thing about this experience is that not only did three of the four outlets already exist as fan-created sites, all three of these admins where delighted to add a member of the Xubuntu leadership team as an admin and have their page made Official by the project. As our intention was to not only reach more users through these resources, but also to involve more people in the project, for each of these resources we’ve asked them to keep on running the groups as they used to.


This is the only social media account that we created. Currently project lead Pasi Lallinaho and I work to keep it updated.


This was a page created by Knez Nenc and diligently maintained with not only news, but other news related to news around Xubuntu’s default applications and reviews about Xubuntu.


Laurent M. Vizcaïne has been maintaining this Xubuntu Users group on LinkedIn, which provides a professional forum for Xubuntu users to share questions and experiences.


Our most recent addition, Ton van Z syncs the latest Xubuntu news to this Facebook page for followers on Facebook, which also allows users to post notes on the “wall” for discussion with others.

So thank you to all these admins for their excellent work and enthusiasm for cooperation that exemplify the spirit of our community.

Are you running a fan page on another social media outlet that you’d like to see become an official resource for the Xubuntu project in that space? Please get in touch by emailing me, Elizabeth Krumbach, at

Xubuntu 12.10 alpha 2 released

The Xubuntu team is proud to announce the Alpha2 release of Xubuntu 12.10, Quantal Quetzal!

Updates for this release include

  • Xfce 4.10
  • Updated applications, including GIMP 2.8 and gThumb 3.0.1

In addition, starting from the Quantal cycle, Xubuntu will not support Wubi installations.

Visit the download page to give it a try. Be sure to report your testing results to help the Xubuntu developers – see the ISO testing tracker. Bugs can be reported in Launchpad. If you are looking for support, please see the #ubuntu+1 IRC channel on Before testing this release, make sure to review the release notes.

Known issues

  • All applications using Gtk3 currently have some mismatched colors in menus and buttons because of a bug in the Unico engine (Bug:1016713).

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